Normally they will wait after you buy it from them on eBay for about 3 months or so then all of sudden you can no longer log in with your password and the primary email is changed etc and they have taken it. Your only choice is to get a hacker to get it back for you after you spent good money on it but thats just adding to the vicious circle because it is just going to go again.

I changed everthing with mine, emails, primary emails had rotating complex passwords and it was still hacked by some lovely russian chap.

ICQ security and support are so very very terrible dont ever expect them to reset your account, they will only advise you to create a new one with 700 digits. Unfortunately, and be warned anybody buying 6 figure ICQ UIN, they are forever being hacked as they have good value.

They do have value.I bought 194 194 some time ago for about 20 bucks from memory and was offered $450 AUS for the number in March by a company here in Australia.with business increase in net customer interface 194 194 is much easier to remember than 14480225698 for example.